Monday, July 21, 2008

Mike playing RUBULAD this weekend (w/ the HOMOSEXUALS!!!)

i always get asked about Rubulad... so heres your answer.
ill be playing there this saturday july 26 th. as you may or may
not know, Rubulad is held in Brooklyn at a location they want
to keep quiet so the police do not mess it up and shut it down.
if you would like info for the party email me or message me via
myspace. i go on at 3am and will play until everyone leaves
which is usually 9-10 am. unfortunately there arent any guest
list spots. hope to see you there!

most importantly- the HOMOSEXUALS are playing. you must attend this
as the HOMOSEXUALS are one of the most important bands of our times!


Michael said...

Mike - I ordered a spring bundle but never got it. Can't find your email address, so email me at and I want to fiiiiigure this out!

Italians Do It Better said...

i just emailed you. we'll resend it.

Michael Keeley said...

Mike - I've also had an order pending since April and have had no response from the '' address. I'm at

Italians Do It Better said...

everyone with fucked up orders from the spring bundle debacle email and we will set you straight