hello. so heres why you dont have your records yet. our pressing
plant (pirates press) screwed up in a major way and sent al the records
to the distributor, and the distributor sold out of everything in a
matter of days before we realized how they screwed up. this was a
major error on their part.
This is actually GOOD news for some of you. because of this, we are
forced to repress them all because we were shorted. the represses
will be here in a week. we are VERY VERY sorry about this. to
make it up to you , we will give you any IDIB cd of your choice. (or
a t-shirt if you are size youth large or youth medium!)
email us at orders@troublemanunlimited.com and give me your
order info and we will throw it in.
we managed to salvage some Conga People 12"s, so those of you
who ordered that record will get it sent this week.
We expect the two Tiedye 12"s to be here VERy soon. once again
we apologize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you want refund , please let us know.
we hope you can be patient enough though!
so if you didnt get the new 12"s- dont fear! we will have more. so order
now while you can!
thanks again!